Friday, 14 November 2008

Children in Greed

It's Children in Need time again.

All week I've listened to on Radio 2 people bidding on 'money can't buy' prizes.

Prizes such as having your lunch cooked by a celebrity chef, or going behind the scenes at a TV show, or playing sport with a famous sportsman, or going backstage at a rock concert, or a spectacular helicopter flight, or guitar lessons from a guitar legend etc etc etc - I think you get the picture.

Well I've listened to this at work this week with my workmates and we're all like 'ooh that would be nice' etc.

Then I thought, here we are the ordinary plebs, listening to probably bloated fat cat rich bastards treating themselves to things we could only dream of and at prices we can only marvel at!

The greedy spoilt bastards!

I know it all goes to a very deserving cause and all that, (I'm obviously not having a go at the children!) but to be honest, in spite of that the whole 'spoil myself greed fest' leaves an extremely bad taste in the mouth!

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