Myself, my wife, youngest daughter and our two dogs went for a walk on The Long Mountain - about two miles from where I live - on New Years Day.

We drove up there and there was no snow at all until we got to about five hundred feet and at the top (thirteen hundred feet) there was about eight inches - and frozen solid.

The road had been ploughed but was still icy in places and I had to at one point ditch my car to avoid a head on with another vehicle!

The temperature at the top was -2c (28f) and down 'in town' 3c (37f) which was a bigger difference than I thought it would be.

Tracks in the snow showed we were not the first there that day.

Paragliders had beaten us to it!

As you can see the dogs had a very good time!
The hill in the distance on the right is more or less where I work - it's part of my postal delivery round and stands seventeen hundred feet and has a few hundred houses scattered on and around it. Getting to some of them at the moment is as you can imagine a little slippery!