Friday 20 March 2009

A Welsh Sunset

Taken by myself this evening, on a walk with my son.

It grew a bit chilly soon after!


Epona said...

Beautiful. Sometimes we forget, in our anger and frustration, how beautiful Nature is.

CherryPie said...

That is an amazing photo, thank you for directing me here :-)

JPT said...

No problem - thanks for your compliments!

Jeannine said...

That is a beautiful photo! My pictures of the sun and moon never seem to work. :-(

Anonymous said...

That is a striking photo. I just watched a television program about our sun on the discovery channel and it was talking about our sun becoming a red giant, something like your photo, I guess, and it burns our plant to toast in a split second. Not pleasant to think about I guess. So will take away fond memories of your lovely sun in the sky. Nice.

JPT said...

Thanks for your kind words.